Project: Construct additional 8,000 niche columbarium; additional 8,000 in-ground cremains burial sections; 425 traditional burial sections, new Committal Shelter, temporary Committal Shelter, electrical upgrades to Committal Shelters A and B, landscaping, fountain, irrigation, signage, roads, curbs, gutters andinfrastructure per CLIN 01. Repair existing Columbaria and replace pre-cast caps with limestone caps per CLIN 02. Repair existing irrigation system
deficiencies per CLIN 03.
CMES Scope of Work General
Construction management and engineering services (CMES) for the project. Services will include construction management, engineering services, and onsite inspections for all construction activities to provide engineering and onsite inspection support to the VA NCA Project Manager.
Work will include:
Familiarity with drawings and specifications
Inspecting the quality and quantity of work performed
Advising the Contracting Officer (CO) and Contracting Officer Representative (COR)/Project Manager (PM) on all construction-related issues and proposing economic solutions for those issues.
Reviewing all submittals/shop drawings.
Conducting daily inspection.
Collect and maintain project record files in an organized electronic directory format which include but are not limited to;
Meeting minutes
Daily Construction Reports submitted by both the Contractor and the CMES Team
Digital photos in dated folders
Critical E-mails that relate to schedule delays, cost changes, construction issues
Submittal log
Submittals/shop drawings
RFI log
All documents associated with each contract modification request
All documents associated with each payment request
Testing reports
Certificates of compliance
Review of the Security plan
Review of the Fire safety plan
Pre-construction survey report
Review of the Environmental protection plan
Review of the Project health and safety plan
Project monthly schedules and updates
Cost schedules and updates
Verify that the Contractor’s work activities on the project are in accordance with the Construction Documents, and schedule.
Coordinate project scheduling, work space and access requirements with COR/PM and cemetery staff.
Coordinate, if any, the use of temporary utilities through COR and Cemetery Director
Verify that all necessary permits are obtained and maintained by the contractor
Monitor the Contractor’s Compliance with VA, State, and Federal requirements relating to labor, safety, and pollution to the environment; notify COR and CO regarding violations or the potential of such.
Furnish a written report to the CO and COR of any and all construction deficiencies and non-compliance with contract documents to facilitate immediate corrective action.
Investigate and notify the COR/PM and Contracting Officer if there is damage of existing property or damage to work already in place during construction operations. Prepare and submit reports to sufficiently document the damage and submit to CO/COR for review and action.
Construction management and engineering services (CMES) providers are not responsible for construction means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures employed by Contractor. Construction means, methods, safety and corrective measures remain the responsibility of the Contractor.
CMES Duties
Pro-active Construction Administration, on-site inspections, oversight, management, and direction of all CMES staff.
Project Manager and Inspector shall attend a pre-construction conference at the project site.
Inspector shall conduct a pre-construction survey of the site with the Contractor prior to turning over an area to the contractor; the pre-construction survey shall document applicable pre-existing conditions e.g. existing damage to building structures, paving, dead plants, etc. as and if applicable.
Temporary environmental controls.
Monitor contractor compliance with specification section 01 57 19
Temporary Environmental Controls, if noncompliance is identified, notify
Testing Included but is not limited to the following per specifications:
Pre-installation inspections are required for but not limited to the following;
Cast-in-place concrete work
Masonry work
Pre-cast concrete
Stone work
Back-fill over any and all existing and/or new site infrastructure
Prior to close in of all mechanical, plumbing, and electrical work